Application and Function

It can be used to measure the flow rate of steam, air, other gases and liquids. Temperature and/or pressure compensated types are available. It allows measuring the precise mass flow rate of steam and the compensated flow of compressed air and gases with a built-in temperature sensor. It is suitable for steam instantaneous and total flow measurement, boiler efficiency monitoring, heat measurement.

Technical Data

Type                           : FM-V
Nominal Pressure    : PN 16 ~ PN 40
Bağlantı                    : DN 25/DN 300, wafer veya flanşlı
Ölçülebilir Akışkan : Sıvı, gaz ve buhar
Hassasiyet               : %1,5 (gaz ve buhar için)
Çıkış Sinyali             : 4-20 mA, Pulse
Gösterge                   : LCD dijital


Catalog Technical Data